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The Haynes Young

Artist Program

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The Wm. S. Haynes Co. Young Artist Program was created to identify and develop extraordinarily talented young Artists in their pursuit of musical accomplishment. We aim to highlight, celebrate and showcase these talented young musicians and help provide a network to build and diversify their creative and professional skills throughout the stages of their education and career.

Young Artists have access to the vast pool of world-renowned talent available through Wm. S. Haynes Co., including current Haynes Artists and Ambassador Clinicians, internationally recognized coaches, and master teachers. Program participants have access to private mentoring events and are presented with the opportunity to expand their creative, professional, and artistic boundaries.

Previously this program was populated by invitation only. But in 2022, we chose to throw the doors open and shine a light on the amazing skills and talents of a whole new generation of Haynes Young Artists, and in 2023 we increased the age limit to include even more talented young flutists at this crucial stage in their careers.

Applications for the 2024 cohort are now open!


Program Benefits

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Haynes Young Artists are featured on the Haynes website and social media channels to highlight their artistic journey on the world stage.


Exclusive access to career building resources, appearances, and performance opportunities. Additional opportunities will be made available for participants of this program.


Haynes Young Artists will have exclusive access to the professional network of the Haynes Team, including mentoring in branding, entrepreneurship, and marketing—all tools necessary for the successful modern musician.


Come together with the Haynes Young Artist Community to collaborate and share in your musical journey with virtual and in-person opportunities!


Our Young Artists are proud members of Team Haynes and receive Haynes Merch and access to additional brand building incentives!


Haynes Young Artists join a vibrant community of talented musicians who share the same passion for musicianship and success.

& Application

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 To be considered, prospective applicants must:

  • Be 30 years old or under at the time of entry

  • Show a high level of musical achievement in solo appearances, honors, scholarships, competitions

  • Exhibit leadership within their community and demonstrate an interest in developing their skills

  • Perform on a Haynes Instrument (Amadeus, Q Series or Custom) complete with a Haynes headjoint

  • Submit a letter of recommendation from a current or most recent university or private teacher.

  • Submit links to a minimum of two different recordings of solo performances, with at least one submission being video. Recordings must be of high audio quality.

  • Following the application process, some applicants may be invited to a virtual interview.

  • Deadline to apply: July 3rd 2024

Please note, limited spaces available. Spaces are awarded with the understanding that participation in the program is subject to ongoing review by Wm. S. Haynes Co.

Please complete the form in English wherever possible and using Latin Characters.